You can add campaign information and communication material to the GCYPS Comms Hub.

  1. Visit the GCYPS Comms Hub
  2. Go to topics and click ‘create topic’
  3. When creating the topic, you can select the type and add title, description, image, and attachments. You can also select a group and the visibility. For visibility, please note the three options are public (visible to everyone including people who are not a member), community (visible only to logged in members), and Groups members (visible only to members of the GCYPS Comms Hub). For group, please select ‘GCYPS Youth, Peace and Security Comms Hub’. Should you wish to have the topic featured as part of the resource library on, please click ‘include in resource library’ at the bottom of the page and click the box.
  4. Visit the GCYPS Comms Hub to see the campaign information and communication material.