Image removed.The 75th Anniversary of the UN, and end of World War II, marks a historical occasion for peace and security. Forged by the solidarity of our “Founding Fathers,” the next generation of ASEAN public servants and peacebuilders play a crucial role in shaping the region we want.

Image removed.On #ASEANDay regional youth organizations will come together, Asian Youth Peace Network, ASEAN Youth Organization and ASEAN Youth Forum, to build a coalition of youth councils, advisory boards, parliamentarians, political parties, young people in decision making spaces, and young peacebuilders across the region on August 8, 2020.

Image removed.Department of Foreign Affairs, Republic of the Philippines, International Youth Centre, Friends for Leadership, UN Major Group for Children and Youth


Our creative output from #ASEANDay #ASEANYouth4Peace, a Solidarity Artpiece by Nazurah Usop from Brunei (@doodlesandcolors) c/o ASEAN Youth Forum.

ASEAN Youth Doodle 2020

“The dots represents each and every one of us and we are all intertwined in between these statements. The organic patterns represent growth as just like this session we are having. There is growth through the conversations we are sharing, growth through the information of exchange and growth through the solidarity of connection we have from one another.”

Key principles that the organizers and partners discussed were:

Image removed.decolozing regionalism

Image removed.meaningful youth engagement

Image removed.positive peace

Image removed.diversity and inclusion, and many other driving forces of ASEAN #Solidarity

READ MORE HERE :  www.aseanforyouth/YPS 
